Italian Common Language Interconfessional Bible
- Project Archive ID:
- 547356f0e641742a
- Entry Type:
- text
- Common Version Name:
- Italian Common Language Interconfessional Bible
- Common Version Name (Vernacular):
- Parola del Signore - la Bibbia Interconfessionale in lingua corrente
- Version Abbreviation:
- ICL14
- Version Abbreviation (Vernacular):
- PDS14
- Country Name:
- Italy
- Country Code:
- IT
- Language Name:
- Italian
- Language Code:
- ita
- Script:
- Latin
- Unicode LDML Language ID:
- it
- Scope:
- Bible with Deuterocanon
- Description:
- Italian: Word of God - Italian Common Language Interconfessional Bible
- Original Archive Date:
- 2022-02-23T20:25:19.393667
- Last Updated:
- 2023-01-13T20:04:18.977559