The Bible with Deuterocanonicals - Apocrypha, The New Interconfessional Translation
- Project Archive ID:
- 866b0bd836bb74ef
- Entry Type:
- text
- Common Version Name:
- The Bible with Deuterocanonicals - Apocrypha, The New Interconfessional Translation
- Common Version Name (Vernacular):
- 聖書 新共同訳ー旧約聖書続編つき
- Version Abbreviation:
- Version Abbreviation (Vernacular):
- 新共同訳
- Country Name:
- Japan
- Country Code:
- JP
- Language Name:
- Japanese
- Language Code:
- jpn
- Script:
- Japanese syllabaries (Hiragana + Katakana)
- Unicode LDML Language ID:
- ja-JP
- Scope:
- Bible with Deuterocanon
- Description:
- Japanese: 聖書 新共同訳ー旧約聖書続編つき (Bible with Deuterocanonicals)
- Original Archive Date:
- 2017-08-25T18:37:42.476619
- Last Updated:
- 2019-09-13T14:07:55.890924